Local currency
The official currency of Poland is the Zloty (PLN). The exchange rate is approximately 1 EUR to 4.50 PLN. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 09:30 till 17:00. Exchange offices can be found all around Krakow. ATMs are widely available around the city and shops accept major credit cards.
Official language
The official language is Polish. English is widely spoken.
Local time
Local time in Krakow: UTC +2 (CEST)
Electric power is 230 V, 50 Hz. Outlet plugs are C / E (2-pins: C is not grounded and E is grounded). Most of the European countries use this socket standard (e.g. Germany, France, Belgium). It is compatible with C / F (C / E / F are the most common socket standards in Europe).
Most hotels have adaptors for different plug types. Please make sure that the electrical devices you will be using (computers, mobile phone chargers, electric shavers, etc.) are suitable for this voltage, otherwise, transformers or batteries are advisable.
Medical services
Krakow has a good network of health centers (primary care services) and hospitals. In the case of an emergency, injury, sudden illness or health deterioration, patients should either call an ambulance or go directly to a hospital, to the A&E department. In such cases, medical transport is free of charge. In hospital, you must present your valid European Health Insurance Card or a replacement certificate or insurance. EU citizens should carry the European Health Insurance Card.
Emergency service phone numbers
112 General emergency number (which is operated in English as well) – dial without any area code
997 Police
998 Fire Brigade
999 Ambulance
Note: Emergency calls are toll-free
Foreign Consulates in Kraków
List of foreign consulates and institutions in Krakow is available here.
Travel Documents
Information about countries whose nationals may enter Poland without a visa is available here. If you need any assistance in getting your visa please contact us office@easp2023krakow.com.